My weekend preparations to leave the country in 3 weeks look something like this:
1. Eat P. Terry's and Taco Deli, again. Because it is possibly the 3rd to last time this week I might have the veggie burger combo or a potato, egg and cheese breakfast taco with the verde salsa for 6 months.
2. Listen to this song, on repeat
3. Drink another one of my roommate's Fireman's 4. So what if it is 3 o'clock in the afternoon? Same argument as #1, it could be 6 months before I have another one.
4. Nap from 4pm-6pm (which has nothing to do with #3).
5. Breath a sigh of relief each time I get rid of more stuff. I swear my clothes and old electronics have been populating like rabbits in my closet and under my bed for the past few years. I'm pretty much on a first name basis with the fellows at Goodwill.
6. Make random trips to REI and spend hours on searching for the perfect/cheapest random pieces of equipment I still need - mosquito net, large dive slate, dorky but totally practical UV protective clothing, lots of pencils, etc.
7. Work on my budget/equipment/nerd spreadsheet for my trip. What? Spreadsheets make everything better.
8. Catching up on some much needed sleep while adjusting to waking with the sun in the AM and attempting to kick my caffeine habit. Unfortunately, I wake with the sun and then immediately fall back asleep for 2 hours, then stumble to the closest coffee pot and drink 2 cups before I remember I am trying to give the stuff up. Will keep working on that one.
9. Have fun, spend time with my awesome friends & family, laugh so hard my cheeks hurt, do lots of activities and enjoy all that Austin has to offer to remind myself how much I love this awesome town.
Recent activities include:
- Running along the Shoal Creek trail, stopping to admire the pretty flowers
- Finalizing the adoption of my two cats by a lovely woman 30 minutes away who will take great care of them AND let me visit them when I am back in town
- Crawfishin' with my family in NB
The biggest ones are mine, obviously |
- Multiple movies at the Alamo Drafthouse (no picture available, they threatened to take my ass out when I whipped out my phone)
- 80s night dance party at the Highball, in full 80s gear. Injuries below from sliding across the dance floor/stage, again. Note to self: leg warmers protect my knees, but not the tops of my feet
- Day trip to Hamilton Pool with two of my favorite ladies
- Last but not least, listen nonstop to 103.1 Jammin' FM - "Austin's Old Skool." What other radio station plays hits from C&C Music Factory, Prince, Michael Jackson, TLC, Warren G, Boyz II Men and many other from my youth? None.
Departure countdown: 21 days!