
Friday, February 22, 2013

Baie Lazare

I've been a bit busy the past few weeks prepping for my first fund raising event happening next week and haven't left base much, but I did manage to take a little trip to a new beach down south last weekend with two of my workmates. One of the many great things about living here is the bus system. I love the local buses, they fly around the crazy winding roads, most of which run right along the beaches so the scenery is quite nice and the local crowd on the bus is always interesting.  Five rupees, approximately 50 cents, will get you almost anywhere on the island so long as you get on the right bus. You can just hop on a bus and cruise around until you see a beach you like, get off and go explore, which is what we did. Sometimes I forget that I live in a gorgeous tropical holiday destination and need to be reminded that the Seychelles is in fact, the most spectacular place on the planet (I know, I am a bit biased). But I'll just let the pictures of the beach at Baie Lazare speak for themselves. 



1 comment:

  1. I notice that your feet have become the color of the rocks. Nice. Love, MOM
